Consumer Packaged


Consumer goods companies are at the center of a digital disruption. New brands are challenging established companies with their direct-to-consumer approach. Figuring the fusion between online & store has never been more important. All this while traditional challenges like unpredictable raw material & energy costs persist. Ready visibility to operational risks with prescribed mitigation & optimization options has a direct impact on the bottom line.



Visibility to all activities ranging from procurement to manufacturing, to fulfillment and retailing, along with associated linkages.

Accelerate time

Alignment to demand

With a good handle on cycle times, and accurate visibility to all stages of the supply chain, achieve better alignment to demand. Improve OTIF and other SLA measures.

margin optimization

Margin optimization

Low margin, cost-focused nature of products drives the need for being sensitive to even small variations.

CPG Industry

Industry capabilities

Supply Management

  • Early alerts on delays based on trends acknowledgments, ASN & GR postings
  • Supplier delay impact analysis on Manufacturing & Sales
  • Vendor timeliness, fill-rate, & quality analysis
  • Real-time view of all procurement KPIs


  • Procurement & production to demand plan and POS signals
  • Monitoring of production schedule & cost
  • Visibility of impacted transfer orders in instances of deficit production


  • Real-time monitoring of shipment condition (sensor data)
  • Order allocation to achieve optimal regional coverage
  • Managing order sizes & combinations of cost-effective transportation
  • Carrier & route performance analysis

Retail Management

  • On-shelf availability & sell-through rate related alternatives
  • Product cannibalizations, competitor success indication
  • Time-on-shelf analysis & inventory optimization

Key Benefits

operational-exceptions Visibility into operational exceptions

Visibility into
operational exceptions

Through visibility into the process from suppliers to shelf, OpsVeda can help consumer product companies get the right product to the right shelf, while reducing inventory.
Retail visibility


Increased visibility into demand drives better synchronization and collaboration across a global supply network. On-shelf availability and sell-through rate related alerts arm a business to deliver superior performance.
Know your inventory and reduce costs

Know your inventory
and reduce costs

Accurate inventory & demand visibility allows timely replenishment preventing lost sales. It also helps carry out promotions as needed.
Improve customer service level

customer service level

Engage, and serve consumers with timely, tailored, and relevant information.

Case Studies

Reduce Lost Sales

Reduce Lost Sales through Efficient Logistics Operations

Reduce Lost Sales through Efficient Logistics Operations GraceKennedy’s (GK) mission is to deliver the taste of Jamaican and other multicultural foods to the world GK […]
Margin App to Increase Profitability

Leverage OpsVeda Margin App to Increase Profitability

Leverage OpsVeda Margin App to Increase Profitability GraceKennedy’s (GK) mission is to deliver the taste of Jamaican and other multicultural foods to the world GK […]
Field Sales Performance

Improve Field Sales Performance and Operations

Improve Field Sales Performance and Operations GraceKennedy’s (GK) mission is to deliver the taste of Jamaican and other multicultural foods to the world GK manufactures […]